Nous rejoindre
élevage & pêche
Bureau exécutif


L’agriculture joue un rôle crucial dans le développement économique et social de la plupart des pays du monde, et pourtant, on ne lui accorde pas l’attention qu’elle mérite, que ce soit au niveau national ou international.Voilà ce qui semble expliquer la grave crise alimentaire que connait le monde entier aujourd'hui.
En tant qu’organisme national, notre objectif premier consiste à exprimer les préoccupations des agriculteurs, horticulteurs, éleveurs et autres professionnels à défendre leurs intérêts au niveau national et international à la fois. Face à la mondialisation croissante, il est capital d’être bien organisé et de faire partie d’un réseau international. Grâce à la Cameroonian Association of Agricultural Journalists (CAAJ), vous serez en mesure de collaborer avec des confrères et consoeurs qui font partie des plus grands réseaux du monde d’agriculteurs, d’horticulteurs, d’éleveur dans l’accomplissement de cette mission. 
Nous sommes donc heureux d’inviter tout professionnel soit à devenir membre s'il répond aux critères indiqués dans nos statuts,soit de nous avoir comme partenaire privilégié dans ses activités.Ce qui lui permettra d’exprimer ses propres préoccupations locales et aussi nationales, tout en élaborant des positions communes sur des questions mondiales. 
À titre de membre ou de partenaire de la CAAJ, vous pourrez créer des synergies avec d’autres organisations nationales d’agriculteurs qui font déjà partie du réseau de la CAAJ ; vous aurez en outre accès aux services des partenaires internationaux de la CAAJ et, plus particulièrement, à une tribune mondiale où vous pourrez sensibiliser les intéressés aux préoccupations des agriculteurs, horticulteurs? éleveurs et autres professionnels.
De plus, au nom des agriculteurs du monde, vous contribuerez à la formulation de positions relatives aux politiques internationales, et à la présentation de ces positions devant le système onusien, à l’OMC et à d’autres organismes internationaux appropriés, par la voie des délégations de la FIPA. 
Avec la mondialisation, les décisions se prennent de plus en plus au niveau international. Les agriculteurs doivent donc collaborer pour se faire entendre à ce niveau, et pour influer sur la situation internationale.


The CAAJ is a non for profit organisation which purpose shall be to serve agricultural journalists, editors, writers, photographers and other professional, operating in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery and food industry who qualify for active membership by ensuring an open exchange of ideas and fostering professional excellence.
Section 1: Membership in the Association shall consist of five classes: (a) Active, (b) Affiliate, (c) Honorary Life, (d) Student, and (e) Retired.
(a) Active membership shall be limited to persons in editorial staff positions, or freelancers who receive payment for editorial copy and/or photos for general or specialized farm publications and/or electronic media produced in Cameroon and central Africa region. Such publications and/or electronic media must EITHER (1) have paid circulation OR (2) accept advertising on a paid basis. Freelance writers and/or photographers will be required to provide specific verification of their editorial copy and/or photos for said media. An active member who retires or partially retires after ten years of membership in good standing may retain his or her membership and continue to participate in the affairs of the Association unless a change in job description requires membership re-classification. Specifically excluded from eligibility for active membership are persons who are primarily publishers and advertising, circulation or production employees.
(b) Affiliate membership shall be available to persons not eligible for active membership but whose participation is judged to be in the best interests of the Association. Eligibility for such membership shall be limited to:
(1) Persons engaged in editorial, photographic or public relations work directly related to agriculture, and, horticulture, forestry, fishery and food industry.
(2) Persons engaged in agricultural communications and employed by government agencies, educational institutions, foundations and other organisations. Affiliate members can attend meetings of the Association and participate in discussions, but they have no vote other than in election of an affiliate advisor to the Association's Executive Bureau.
(c) Honorary life membership may be granted to members who have rendered distinguished service to the Association and to agriculture. Such membership must be approved by a majority vote of the active membership, following investigation and recommendation by a Membership Committee. Honorary membership shall have all rights and privileges of active membership. Nominations for honorary membership must be submitted in writing at least 30 days prior to the Association's annual meeting.
(d) Student membership may be granted to persons enrolled full-time in an approved agricultural communications curriculum at a college or university. Student members can attend meetings of the Association and participate in discussions, but they have no vote in Association business matters.
(e) Retired membership shall be available to either active or affiliate members who are retiring and are at least 62 years of age. Retired members can attend meetings of the association and participate in discussions, but they have no vote in Association business matters.
Section 2: All applications for membership must be in writing on forms which can be obtained from the General Secretary, also the Executive one and must carry the endorsements of one or more active members. Membership approval, classification and reclassification shall be the responsibility of a Membership Committee. In event of challenge, the committee's ruling can be appealed to the Executive Bureau for final decision. Authority to investigate membership classification in the event that a member changes positions or places of employment is vested in a Membership Committee. Members who assume new duties or different positions are expected to notify the Executive Secretary and submit their resignations or request reclassification when such action appears to be in order.
Section 3: Membership dues, assessed on a calendar year basis, shall be the same for both active and affiliate members. Honorary life members shall have no dues obligation. Student membership dues shall be assessed on a calendar year basis, and be at the rate of 20 percent of active and affiliate member dues. Retired membership due shall either be a one-time life membership rate of 3.5 times the annual active and affiliate membership dues rate, or an annual rate one-half that of the annual active and affiliate membership dues rate. Dues for retired members requesting the annual rate shall be assessed on a calendar year basis. The one-time life membership rate shall be a donation to the CAAJ. Any change in membership dues must be approved by majority vote of the members at an annual meeting of the Association.

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